Expressing Identity

Stories of Nunatsiavut / Nunatsiavummi Unikkauset

August 2019

Andrea Procter

Stories are powerful. They frame our understanding of ourselves, of others, and of our relationships. And we all know that it makes a huge difference if other people are telling stories about us, or if we’re telling our own stories.

Nunatsiavummiut have always known the power of storytelling. And now we can all share, listen to, and learn from this long tradition of oral history! On August 19, the Nunatsiavut Government launched a new website called Stories of Nunatsiavut / Nunatsiavummi Unikkauset. The site contains videos and audio clips of Nunatsiavummiut telling stories about their lives, their families, and their land.

We’re honoured that some of the stories included on the site are from the Tradition & Transition project, Daughters of Mikak: Celebrating Inuit Women’s Leadership in Nunatsiavut. The women behind this project – Charlotte Wolfrey, Bev Hunter, Peggy Andersen, Joan Andersen, Tracy Ann Evans-Rice, Ashley Dicker, Kim Campbell-McLean, Shirley Goudie, and Shirley Flowers – wanted to create a space for celebrating the amazing Inuit women in our lives, and we're excited that these stories will continue to be shared through the Stories of Nunatsiavut / Nunatsiavummi Unikkauset website.

The Daughters of Mikak videos show us the power of stories. We hear about women who give food and help to others who are going through hard times. We hear about women who are the rock of their families and who adopt others into their homes and hearts. We hear about women who spread calmness in the middle of a crisis, and who stand up for what they know is right.

These stories show how these inspirational women connect people to create strong communities. They do so without praise or acknowledgement, simply because they believe they should.

By telling these stories, the storytellers also connect people together. By sharing their admiration for these Inuit women, they're strengthening the ties of love and community. Stories can make us all stronger.

Congratulations to the Nunatsiavut Government on the launch of their new website! We look forward to hearing the voices of Nunatsiavummiut, telling Nunatsiavut stories!